Sunday, September 20, 2015


Did you konw taht you can siltl raed tihs eevn toguhh the lterts are all mxeid aonurd? You may look at this differently and question why that is? Our brains are taught at such a young age how to think and learn in just one single way. If you asked a very young child who didn't know too much about proper grammar and spelling with english they would probably speak that first sentence just how it was written! From a young age we are all molded into what our society like parents, teachers, and friends want us to become. We are taught what is "required" for us to know. But guess what, the people that become famous inventors, singers, artists, and rappers all have one thing in common, and that is that they are not common at all! They weren't afraid to be different than everyone else. They weren't afraid to be what They wanted to be! Learn to be different and unique, explore your talents and become what You want to become. Not what others want you to become!

1 comment:

  1. Especially parents.... Don't let your parents dictate your life. I know they want the best for you but only you can decide that. I love this post :)
