Sunday, September 20, 2015

Devastating Loss.

Well, let's just say that game was a disappointment for all Byu fans across the nation. Byu had such a strong start, with an early drive touchdown and a few incredible defensive plays to put Ucla down. By half time things looked bright for the cougs. They were receiving the ball and had a lead which everyone thought coming into the game that Byu wouldn't even be close with Ucla who would be completely controlling the score. Third quarter was a little tougher, but the cougars managed to keep the lead and keep on pushing for another touchdown. By fourth quarter though, everything went downhill. The offense couldn't make a push for a touchdown, the defensive couldn't stop a single run, and Ucla really turned on the boosters and pushed ahead of Byu. With just one final drive for the cougars on offense to take the win and just yards away from being able to put a field goal in. Tanner Mangum threw an interception and the game was over. What a bad day..