Sunday, September 27, 2015


We're not gonna talk about this one. If you have any social media at all I know you have already seen every single Utah fan in the world saying some sort of crap. I witnessed this game live and I am not happy. What the HE** happened


Don't let yourself become a robot. Don't fall into the same pattern every single day. Try new things, explore new places, meet new people! Have some fun with your life and do whatever you want to do, not what others want you to do. If you allow others to control you or if you fall into the exact same routine every day that you've been taught to live by you already are acting like a robot! This post is short and sweet. Don't let yourself become a robot.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Devastating Loss.

Well, let's just say that game was a disappointment for all Byu fans across the nation. Byu had such a strong start, with an early drive touchdown and a few incredible defensive plays to put Ucla down. By half time things looked bright for the cougs. They were receiving the ball and had a lead which everyone thought coming into the game that Byu wouldn't even be close with Ucla who would be completely controlling the score. Third quarter was a little tougher, but the cougars managed to keep the lead and keep on pushing for another touchdown. By fourth quarter though, everything went downhill. The offense couldn't make a push for a touchdown, the defensive couldn't stop a single run, and Ucla really turned on the boosters and pushed ahead of Byu. With just one final drive for the cougars on offense to take the win and just yards away from being able to put a field goal in. Tanner Mangum threw an interception and the game was over. What a bad day..


Did you konw taht you can siltl raed tihs eevn toguhh the lterts are all mxeid aonurd? You may look at this differently and question why that is? Our brains are taught at such a young age how to think and learn in just one single way. If you asked a very young child who didn't know too much about proper grammar and spelling with english they would probably speak that first sentence just how it was written! From a young age we are all molded into what our society like parents, teachers, and friends want us to become. We are taught what is "required" for us to know. But guess what, the people that become famous inventors, singers, artists, and rappers all have one thing in common, and that is that they are not common at all! They weren't afraid to be different than everyone else. They weren't afraid to be what They wanted to be! Learn to be different and unique, explore your talents and become what You want to become. Not what others want you to become!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

BYU: Gods Team

If I had one word to sum up the BYU football season so far it would be..WOW. Honestly, if you can't see how god is on their side then you need to get your eyes checked. Week one, watch this:
Watch it over and over and over again. Now week two, watch this:

If you didn't have faith before, you now do. Go read the Book Of Mormon. I don't even have anything else to say. Just watch the videos. Can't wait for week three @Ucla GO COUGS!

I'd like my CrAYoNs back please.

Why as kids are we given crayons and paper and told to create whatever we want, and as soon as we become teenagers we're given a worksheet and a calculator and told to do exactly as told? Why are we taught creativity when we're young just to have it all stripped away as soon as we truly begin to learn how talented we are with our passions in life? The older I become, the more I am losing all the creativity I once had. I'm becoming a "grown up", but really i'm just a little kid trapped inside and older kid. I want to be able to bring my creativity back out. I'd like my CrAYoNs back please.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Learning to be Alone

Being alone is something every single one of us goes through at some point in our lives. It could be for a few days, or for a few months, the emptiness that comes with feeling alone is tough and I know personally how hard it can be. Walking through Lone Peak feeling invisible is one of the hardest things to go through. Seeing so many people smile and laugh and hang out with all of their friends can really make me down sometimes. But by looking for the positive instead of the negative can help out a lot. Realizing that you won't always feel this way and that it is a temporary situation helps to think about too. So keep your head up, life will go on and get better. Stay positive, work hard, study hard, and everything will fall into place.

Trying on Hats

Why do people wear hats? Is it because they like to represent a team or logo? Or is it so they can hide their face? I bet you think I am getting way too deep with this, but I'm serious! Hats are an object that represent so much more then something we place on our heads. Hats can be used to hide feelings, to hide emotions that we don't want to be shown. Behind that lid covering our eyes are a thousand words that are waiting to pour out of our mouths into the ears of others. We use this "hat" to hide those feelings deep down inside where nobody can feel them or hear them. Next time you see someone wearing a hat, try talking to them. Maybe they have something hidden away inside and just need someone to hear them out.